Smallworld LIVE
Nov 2016 - Mar 2020
​Smallworld LIVE was an Ottawa-based live events and concert production company that created unique and engaging experiences within the nation's capital.
Roles & Responsibilities
Chief Executive Officer, Marketing & Branding Director, Co-Owner
Founded a concert/events production/media company who’s mission was to produce exceptional live experiences while showcasing the Ottawa arts and music community
Learned first hand what the lifestyle, challenges, and victories of an entrepreneur is like while working in a daily high pressured, fast paced environment
Led small teams while executing 16 small to medium sized live production concerts and events
Produced and distributed all interviews, brand awareness, and promotional videos across various online channels while leading creative direction for on-set productions
Utilized Trello project management software to delegate tasks and prepare teams for fast-faced, high-pressured event environments
Talent Coordinator for House of Paint Art & Music Festival (2019)